Kids Ministry
Our Goal: Trinity Kids Ministry shares the love of Jesus with the next generation. We do this by coming alongside parents for family discipleship and by creating a fun, safe, loving experience for children to hear from God’s Word, learn core truths about God, and hear the gospel on Sunday mornings.
Sunday Mornings
We have Sunday School class at 9:15am.
Sunday School is available for children from 4 years old - 5th grade.
This year we are starting a new curriculum, The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung.
We have a nursery, childcare, and teaching at 10:30am.
Nursery is available for babies and toddlers.
All children through 2nd grade will participate in a brief devotional from one of our volunteers.
We encourage parents to have their children in service any time.
Having kids in Sunday service means there will be additional noise. They may cry, they may ask questions too loudly, they may fidget—we expect this and we are happy to have them with us. We think it is valuable and worthwhile to have our kids participate in worship with us as parents see fit. It teaches them the value of gathering together with other believers to praise God, it allows them to see their parents and other members worshipping, and it gives them an opportunity to hear and see the gospel on display.
We will have some resources and kids ministry volunteers in the auditorium ready to help out as needed, so please feel free to ask for help.
Check-in and checkout for all ages will happen at the Kids Check-In Station.
At checkout, only a parent/guardian will be allowed to pick up children.
If your child needs assistance during Sunday School or the Sunday service, you will receive a text message from us at the number you provide at check-in.
We take every precaution possible to maintain a safe and secure experience for your children. Here are some of the ways we do this:
Every volunteer is personally screened, professionally background checked, and must be a member of Trinity before serving.
Our safety team will be monitoring the kids area at all times. Volunteers are not allowed to be alone with children, especially in a bathroom setting.